Friday, August 21, 2009

Optimistic pessimism

Mahatma Gandhi once said

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

Gandhi was a optimistic moron.
yeah, I said it.
The most pacifistic man of the past 100 years was a barking mad nutball.
Glass 1/2 full my ass.
Someone stole the glass is more like it.

it’s truly the other way around

You must not have faith in humanity. Humanity is a mud puddle; if a few drops of rain land in the mud puddle, the mud puddle does not become clean.

I loathe the human race as an overall.
It is wrong that we have to work to bring out the good in life
That if we do not act that the "bad" will happen as the failsafe mode.
The natural order of things should not be one born of hate and chaos but do to our selfish, wanton, egotistic ways that is the world we have created.

I, for one, want a go over.
But then as I am apt to say
"If there was no bad the the lesser good would become the bad, because there always has to be an opposite."
" If it weren't for the bad, you would not appreciate the good."

I for one would like to do some serious appreciation now, I have lots of it stored up.


  1. OMG! It's like you've been reading my mind. Must be a "zombie" thing. ;)

  2. When I feel my mind is being read I usually craft a skullcap outta tinfoil.

    It makes the microwaves bounce off and makes the scalp all tingly.


Thrill me...dripsome brain droppings here.