So according to the numbers here (from their website).. Lets say you need some extra emergency cash for Christmas so you think "oh hell! I am tapped and I still have to get the entire in law side of the family done shopping! I know I will go to Western Sky and grab some quick dough there."
You walk in and take out a $1500.00 Loan
You walk out with $1000 - yes they keep $500 off the top.
Then over the next 2 years you make the minimal payments off $166.95 a month
That means after 24 months you have now paid them just over $4000 dollars.not counting the 500 you gave them off the top or any penalties you might occur for being late.
So to recap one day you borrow a grand and 2 years later you have paid back almost $5000.
Do you think the Native Americans are still pissed we took over their country?
Holy Crap! Pissed? No, they are downright furious.