Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Same week - Refrain

Planned on going on vacation in June 19th since the end of January or so.
Why then? Well, just because of timing.
My in-laws were planning on going to go to Branson for that week and this worked out pretty good for all. This way didn’t have to find a watcher for the son.
Then life intervened…
My mother in law was diagnosed with a benign tumor in her brain that was attached to her jaw nerves causing severe pain all the time. They had to go in and remove that and then a week later had to go BACK in because she was leaking spinal fluid.
The day before I went on vacation, the 17th, my central A/C unit went out and took a healthy chunk of our vacation money with it.
My favorite Grandma suffered a stroke on 06/06, she made it to rehab for a week and then finally said “to hell with this. I am done.” and passed away on the 18th. She was 91.
I had been on vacation for 2 hours.
Honestly, I just can’t really remember much from that Saturday and Sunday. I think I was already on overload.
I do recall that late Friday night my son decided to impress his little cousin and went outside around midnightish to set napkins on fire in the drive way.
Where were his parents?
Good Question.
Well, his mom was spending the night at the hospital with her mother. His father was spending the night, one of way too many, laying in bed staring at the ceiling.
He was caught red handed by his sister and severely disciplined.
Anyway, we had to rent a car and get a hotel room and drive the 13 hours to Cheyenne Wyoming on Monday.
This removes anything left in the vacation fund and cuts the emergency/emergency fund down to next to nil.
While there, it was stressful day after stressful day as family came in and family went out.
We laid my Grandma to rest next to her husband and her eldest daughter. Now my mom has to through a house with 60+ years of stuff in it. Luckily one of my cousins is available to be there to help her with it.
On the day we buried my Grandma I received a text message from an old friend of mine to tell me that his wife (who was also a good friend of mine) had died that day. She was 45ish.
We decided to spend the last night with my mother but got in to the house so late from visiting other relatives in town that we ended up crashing in our clothes.
Which is what we wore the next day as well as we packed the car and headed back to Kansas on Friday (13 hours again).
I always forget how much I hate Kansas until I return there from “elsewhere”. Kinda like a sensitive tooth. It sits in the back of your head, not quite a problem, until you eat some ice cream.
On Sunday our van throws a belt and dies. We had to have it towed from Derby McDonalds to the shop in Mulvane.
Easy enough fix but due to it overheating the radiator is now dry.
However, no one knows this (you would think the shop that we sent it to would have thought to look but NO.). Therefore, last night on the way home from a ballgame with my girl the wife gets an overheating van.
Back to the shop it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I shall cry with you. Dear Gods! You need way more than a cyberhug but I'm gonna give it to you anyway. (((HUG)))


Thrill me...dripsome brain droppings here.